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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Data Visualization On Crime Against Women And Accidents Happened In India

India at a glance through Data Visualization

Torture the data, and it will confess to anything ( by Ronald Coase). Let's see if we can really achieve this.

Here I am working with data on  "Crimes against women" and "Accidents happened"  in India from 2001 to 2012 . 

The aim of this blog is to represent data in visual manner that can speak for itself. Following are some dashboards. So let's get started.

The above dashboard shows the different types of crime that happens in Indian states on women. And you can clearly see that Uttar Pradesh tops the chart, followed by Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujrat respectively.

"Cruelty By Husband And Relatives"  has the largest share in pie charts and the reason  being
  1. Patriarchal Social Structure where male holds the primary power,  
  2. Dowry Demands
  3. Under Reporting of Domestic Violence where women hesitates against reporting of these crimes.
"Dowry Deaths" is yet another crime which happens due to social perception of men towards women. "Gender decides worth" is one of the reason for this crime because women are considered to be less productive than men and that tags women with "Zero-Political Status".

Now let us look at the trend of the crimes in above mentioned states.

Now suppose we want to see the trend of "Cruelty By Husband And Relatives" from 2001 to 2012 for Uttar Pradesh. Make sure you have the following things selected before you hit the play button...

x-axis:                              Time
y-axis:                        Relatives
Check Box:                Uttar Pradesh
Colors:                       Unique Colors
Size:                          Relatives

Press the play button...

We can see that in 2001 the size was 19,287 cases and in 2012 it was 36,115 which reports an increase of 82%.

What if we want to see how has "Dowry Deaths" moved against "Total Crimes" in all states. Change x-axis and Size to Dowry Deaths and y-axis to Total Crimes and then press the play button.

Now we will shift our attention to Accidents happened in India in 2012

We can see the rising trend of accidents happened in India in the past decade.

Now let us look at the following dashboard where total accidents happened in Indian states are categorized by  accidents caused due to "Govt.Vehicles" and "Private Vehicles".

We can see that Tamil Nadu has accounted for maximum number of accidents by Govt. Vehicles. Tamil Nadu also accounts for highest number of accidents every year taking both categories of vehicles in consideration.

The Reasons for such high number of accidents in Tamil Nadu are:
  1. According to Tamil Nadu police, the  major reason for the accidents is due to the increase in the number of vehicles has outstripped  the road length. 

  2. The increase in the number of government-run TASMAC shops (which have a monopoly over wholesale and retail vending of alcoholic beverages) and a corresponding increase in the number of drunk drivers were cited as the major reasons for accidents caused by drunk drivers.

  3. Over the years, vehicles speeds have increased tremendously but highways engineering has not kept up.

  4. Grants of driving licenses without proper driving tests and examinations. 
Now let us see the number of persons killed in each state due to different kind of vehicles.
We can see that the states like Tamil Nadu, UP,MP, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka Gujarat are the states where the counts of accidents and persons killed in those accidents are high.

It's not that laws and enforcements have not been made in the states to curb down the accidents and their cause. But sometimes the cases are left unfiled due to biases. There are numerous NGOs that promotes the spirit of good driving and road sense, "Don't Drink and Drive". According to the report of two experts published in the International Journal of Research in Management and Technology, driving under the influence of alcohol accounts for 70 per cent of accident fatalities in India.

Well these were some facts of India presented visually. As mentioned earlier, this post aims to present comprehensive charts that can give insights to reader, relieving him from the efforts of reading tabular data and going nuts over it.

Till my next blog post....
Happy Learning...